Psychic Ills opens.
Psychic Ills are an experimental rock/psychedelic rock band from New York, USA.
Psychic Ills released their first full length album, Dins, in early 2006.
The Village Voice named Psychic Ills "Best Psych Rock Band" in their 2006 Best of NYC issue.
Members of Psychic Ills have been involved in various other projects.
York Voice Choices: Psychic Ills Village Voice February 21, 2009.
Tonight at 8, with SubArachnoid Space and Psychic Ills; admission is $10.
Brian Tamborello (Psychic Ills)
Tomorrow night at 9, with Gang Gang Dance, U.D.U. and Psychic Ills; tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door (Sanneh).
Don't drive home after seeing the Psychic Ills in concert.