He refused the appointment of Prussian minister of public instruction in 1810.
Only July 11, 1921 new arms were decreed by the Prussian prime minister.
He was Prussian Minister of the Interior from 1917 to 1918.
For instance, a Prussian prime minister could only be forced out of office if there was a "positive majority" for a potential successor.
In 1881 Puttkamer was appointed Prussian minister of the interior.
After Bismarck's fall in 1890, he was chosen Prussian minister of finance, and held this post for ten years.
Count Grote the Prussian Minister, frequently spoke to me of him.
Due to his political differences with the army leadership, he raised his own police force as Prussian Minister of the Interior.
His appointment as Prussian Minister of War occurred on 4 October 1890.
From 1889 to 1890 he served as Prussian Minister of War, after which he retired from the active list.