King James's ill-advised attempts to Catholicise the army, government and other institutions had proved increasingly unpopular with his Protestant subjects.
He was more devout in his faith than the king before him, and he removed some of the fear from the hearts of his Protestant subjects.
He negotiated on behalf of English merchants and pleaded for the Protestant subjects of the king of Spain.
Louis mercilessly persecuted his Protestant subjects, whom he considered a threat to the unity of the state and thus his power.
Despite her private religion, she did not attempt to re-impose Catholicism on her largely Protestant subjects, thus angering the chief Catholic nobles.
In 1679 Louis XIV began to seriously undermine his Protestant subjects.
In 1634 John Christian came to Silesia to talk with some Protestant subjects in the duchies and cities.
After this, she addressed Elizabeth I of England, calling upon her to protect and lead her Protestant subjects.
This also alienated his Protestant subjects.
He was succeeded by his brother, James, whose adherence to the Catholic faith made many of his staunchly Protestant subjects deeply suspicious.