Under this Charter, the British and Protestant inhabitants were granted the rights of self-government and independence from company law.
From then on, there were more Protestant inhabitants in Moritzberg than Roman Catholics.
In one notorious incident, the Protestant inhabitants of Portadown were taken captive and then massacred on the bridge in the town.
Fierce repression was organized: many Protestant inhabitants were killed, and others fled to Geneva.
In 1905 the town had a population of 5,046 predominantly Protestant inhabitants (36 Catholics.
The first Protestant inhabitants of the settlement were members of Kreuzkirche (Cross Church).
In 1620 Skoczów was destroyed by the Lisowczycy troops, who recognized Protestant inhabitants of this city as their enemies.
It had 2,533 Protestant inhabitants in 1885.
That's why today, compared to its merely catholic neighbour villages, Widen has a relatively high percentage of Protestant inhabitants.
The symbol is frequently used by Protestant inhabitants since the 1920s in the state of Northern Ireland.