However, as a movement of thought among theologians in Protestant circles, it had dissipated from its novelty by the turn of the 1970s.
It is a popular phenomenon in Protestant circles, and has been called "a hallmark of evangelical conversionism".
The concept of transignification was ultimately rejected by the Catholic hierarchy, and is now more prominent in some Anglican and Protestant circles.
In more recent years, Niebuhr has enjoyed something of a renaissance in contemporary thought, although usually not in liberal Protestant theological circles.
It enjoyed wide popularity, and was well received in both Protestant and Catholic circles, evidenced by its translation into all major languages of the day.
However, he said that the pattern of events involving Mr. Swaggart and the Bakkers would inevitably raise this question in evangelical Protestant circles.
This theory was controversial in both Catholic and Protestant circles, where the geocentric theory had been more widely held.
This version became highly popular in Evangelical Protestant circles.
For years, a lively conversation could be provoked in some Protestant circles with a question about one man's mortality: After Billy Graham, who?
Churches of Christ have moved away from premillennialism as dispensational millennialism has come more to fore in Protestant evangelical circles.