The protests called for economic sanctions against the white Government and prompted other demonstrations.
However, increasing protest from residents prompted the council to withdraw its support in 1972.
But subsequent protests by local farmers, whose land has suffered from drought in recent years, prompted it to reverse the decision.
The protests have prompted Community Board 6, which historically supports social services, to reject the plan.
The protests prompted several reforms, including a Royal Commission into the question of toll roads.
In Munich, protests prompted the cancellation of an exhibition of works from the collection.
Protests prompted the city to install pipelines along 6th Avenue, but those living in the higher Avenues would be without water until 1908.
The protests prompted the government to remove and replace the Maluku provincial military and police chiefs.
Violent protests prompted the suspension of the elections and the declaration of a state of emergency.
Protests from police organizations helped the album's sales and then prompted Ice-T to remove the song from the market.