The maneuvers will be held under the banner of the Proliferation Security Initiative, a program intended to interdict seaborne illicit cargoes from an unidentified country.
He also used his speech to announce an effort to fight the spread and transport of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, which he called the Proliferation Security Initiative.
He also "won widespread praise for his work establishing the Proliferation Security Initiative, a voluntary agreement supported by 60 countries".
But this summer the United States and 10 other nations formed the Proliferation Security Initiative, an alliance intended to curb North Korea's sales of contraband.
He will also call for an expansion of the Bush administration's Proliferation Security Initiative, an effort to intercept nuclear materials as they are traded around the world.
But it is also the difference between a preference for universal, treaty-based solutions as opposed to ad hoc ones like the Bush administration's Proliferation Security Initiative.
PSI - Proliferation Security Initiative - not so much a regime as a set of principles.
The decision was made to join the Proliferation Security Initiative, a move which the North has repeatedly warned would be construed as a declaration of war.
Expand the Proliferation Security Initiative.
Last year, Kofi Annan's "high-level panel" on U.N. reform endorsed the Proliferation Security Initiative and suggested that more nations join.