But like all but one of the 23 agencies running such shelters, Project Renewal opposes the city's plan to enforce the state regulations.
Project Renewal, which runs other city shelters, will operate it.
Last year, the city sold the 21-story building to Project Renewal for $2.
The operation is known as Project Renewal.
The grant, won by Project Renewal, was one of 11 awarded by the federal government to help end chronic homelessness.
Project Renewal plans to have a program in place in six months and to provide intensive social services.
The family requests that in lieu of flowers donations be made to "Project Renewal" or any other homeless services agencies.
Today, the shelter, handed over to Project Renewal, a nonprofit group, in 1994, is a tightly managed 200-bed site with substance abuse treatment and job training.
But the answer was waiting in a musty cardboard box in Project Renewal's own archives.
Eventually, writing, and in-patient treatment at Project Renewal in New York, where he is now a board member, saved him.