On the battlefield the Prince, not remembering the battle plan, precipitously leads the calvary charge.
Prince led the way to the main house.
Pug watched as the Prince led his sister away from the site of battle.
Paul Simon and Prince will lead the musical presentations, while many of the hosts and company members from past seasons are expected to participate.
Prince leads Rutgers in scoring (17.8 points a game) and had 29 points in an 88-71 win against Florida.
The Prince led them, aiming always in the direction of the glowing red light but a little to the left of it.
The Prince would lead, and of course Gil must come.
The people prepare for battle, and the Prince leads a battalion which sings a chorus of resolution to fight to the end.
Coach Prince led the 2008 team to another 5-7 record.
On Karel's advice the Prince was leading them in the general direction of Sarykam.