Actually Price wrote the song in 1951, as she thought the song described her friend, King, very well.
"It was perhaps the first computer-animated film that enabled viewers to forget they were watching computer animation," wrote Price.
Price wrote three more novels by the age of 32.
Price writes in the third person, staying close to Ray's point of view.
Dealing with others who have less power "involves accepting moral responsibility," the Prices write.
Price does write about erotic love, both heterosexual and homosexual, because, he says: "It's the most powerful single force in human life.
Price had written various publications on parapsychology, often advocating new concepts and theories.
Price wrote that the hypothetical "next world would be realms of real mental images".
Price arranged most of the music and wrote two songs for Fisher.
Price wrote on the liner notes that the song was "especially" written by him by "a boy down Texas way".