Therefore it is necessary to protest the Senator's plan to enforce his preference by, in effect, canceling the state's Republican Presidential primary.
But it is difficult to tell that from the desultory activity that has passed for campaigning in the weeks leading up to the state's Presidential primary on Tuesday.
The center's organizers say it would be the first archives in the nation dedicated exclusively to a state's own Presidential primary.
Mr. Forbes's advertising purchase, spread over broadcast stations and cable systems throughout the state, is one of the heaviest in the history of the state's Presidential primary.
Backers of the measure are seeking enough signatures to place it on the same ballot as the state's Presidential primary in March 1996.
Mervin Field, a veteran polltaker in California, said the abortion rights position has a sizeable majority in that critical Presidential state.
Mr. Gramm used the occasion here in New Hampshire to increase his visibility in the nation's first Presidential primary state.
It might have seemed pointless on the surface, but Vice President Bush arrived in California today to open his campaign for the state's Republican Presidential primary.
One measure that has aroused particular discussion is an Arizona initiative pushed by a tax-reform group hoping to influence the state's Presidential primary in 2000.
Before the riots, Mr. Bush had planned two long trips to the state this month to prepare for the state's Presidential primary on June 2.