The Fed chief would presumably sacrifice some growth in return for stable prices while the President and his aides would tolerate somewhat more rapid inflation to sustain faster economic growth.
On Monday, a congressional panel on corruption is to release results of a three-month inquiry into allegations that the President tolerated a multimillion dollar influence peddling ring.
An official with knowledge of the report said these statements appear in the new summary: * "The President created or at least tolerated an environment where those who knew of the diversion believed with absolute certainty that they were carrying out the President's policies."
Henry Lane Wilson, President William Howard Taft's Ambassador to Mexico, worked to seed Madero's demise before March 5 because he knew that the new President would never tolerate his interference in Mexican affairs, which resulted in the assassination of Madero, a man Woodrow Wilson identified with and supported.
Worst-Case Scenarios' Another said: "Saddam's power is growing every day and the President cannot tolerate that.
But Senator John C. Danforth, Republican of Missouri, says it is unlikely that the new President will tolerate Congressional moves for broad re-regulation of major industries.
The President created or at least tolerated an environment where those who did know of the diversion believed with certainty that they were carrying out the President's policies.
No one can say that the President of this Commission has ever tolerated or covered up any corruption.
The President just smiled and tolerated us and kept hammering on the subject.
The President, he added, will not tolerate "any type of regulatory changes that undermine the enforcement of nursing home quality standards."