Last week, House Republicans had an opportunity to end the political theater and join the President and Congressional Democrats to prevent a tax hike on middle class Americans.
However, the President may not prevent a member of the executive branch from performing a ministerial duty lawfully imposed upon him by Congress.
The resolution has no legal significance because the Parliament is weak and the President - who called the legislation "nonsense" - can prevent its wishes from becoming law.
Mr. Jackson says he would use all the diplomatic and economic muscle available to him as President to prevent other countries from exporting drugs to the United States.
First, the President claims that the two articles of impeachment are vague and lack specificity and, therefore, prevent him from knowing what he has been charged with.
Apparently whatever makes a man President prevents him from saying he is ever wrong - not a comforting thought.
Neither could a letter from Queen Beatrix sent to the President prevent Van Damme from being executed.
"There's no way that a sitting President can possibly prevent his own investigation by firing anybody," Mr. DiGenova said, "because the political process will not permit it."
I just want to point that out to the public, and I have previously asked the President to prevent this happening.
And he charged that the President was preventing a final Federal budget agreement because of election-year politics.