The President adopted a careful but unapologetic tone in defending his plan at the news conference today.
Now the commission has issued its improved report, and the President will adopt most of its findings in an executive order.
Having done all they could, the President and his aides adopted a sort of last-day-of-school attitude.
We need a constitutional mandate to force both the President and Congress to adopt annual budgets that spend no more than the government takes in.
What would happen at the summit if the President went back on his proposals and adopted yours.
Meanwhile, senators on both sides of the debate urged the President to adopt a less confrontational tone.
But once in office, the President quickly adopted that policy.
The President can adopt such a policy change by executive order.
The President, indeed, adopted in the grand jury what those people would say.
We had a proposal from the floor that the President then adopted in his own name and put before the House.