President Sadat dealt in the politics of peace, which is usually paid for by other people's sacrifices.
He subjected himself to the same hatreds that murdered President Sadat.
"At some point you were selected to be the personal bodyguard for President Sadat, is that correct?"
One day the Palestinian movement itself may grasp what President Sadat understood.
President Sadat donated land to the monastery to be brought into cultivation.
He was among those arrested after President Sadat's assassination, but later released because of a lack of evidence.
It marked the first death sentence against militants since the execution of five men who shot President Sadat in 1981.
Following his death in 1970, President Sadat turned this around quickly into an open and cordial friendship.
A fundamentalist group was charged with the assassination of President Sadat in 1981 and the atmosphere persisted throughout the 1980s.
When President Sadat came to power, in 1971, he permitted the number of new churches to be increased to 50 a year.