Under President Nasser, proponents of statism and a command economy with limited private investment, dominated the political scene.
January 22, 1970: President Nasser secretly flies to Moscow to discuss the situation.
Egypt's President Nasser calls for the destruction of Israel.
Assad and Gaddafi both faithfully followed the great revolutionary example set by President Nasser.
Huber was able to meet with President Nasser during his time in Egypt.
President Nasser of Egypt therefore turned to the Soviet Union for assistance.
Moorhouse's death also raised questions regarding President Nasser's authority and the effectiveness of the United Nations.
Nevertheless, she managed to get away with the criticism due to her strong support for President Nasser, whom she described as "beautiful".
Men like President Nasser and his disciples are the symbols of revolution in the Middle East.
He refused to be ashamed by being a friend of President Nasser, whom he declared wanted friendship with the west.