Abuses of the local population by President Doe's military turned the county into fertile ground for an insurgency.
The group said President Doe would welcome international observers of the election.
In 1987, six people, including a close aide to President Doe, were executed for the ritualistic killing of two boys.
Libya was the first country to recognize President Doe's military government.
The day's fighting overshadowed a meeting between President Doe and local religious leaders.
He added that President Doe's death appeared to complicate efforts to reach a settlement in the civil war.
President Doe's international reputation has never fully recovered from that moment.
Others who have seen President Doe in recent days say he has become more elusive and enigmatic than ever.
Their downfall began a decade ago, paradoxically, at the height of President Doe's power.
President Doe's international reputation never fully recovered from that incident.