Hundreds of thousands of people turned out to view President Chiang's body.
Before his death, President Chiang, who had serious health problems, had been expected to step down in 1990 at the end of his second six-year term.
In 1931, President Chiang's arrest of Hu Hanmin caused an uproar within the party and military.
After the Chinese test, President Chiang pressed the United States to attack China's nuclear installations, the study shows.
President Chiang had included the parliamentary and local-government plans in democratic changes that he encouraged in his last two years.
President Chiang never repudiated his father's dream of a China reunited under Nationalist rule.
In July President Chiang ended 38 years of martial law.
President Chiang died of a heart attack in January.
The latter is a code phrase to warn the native Taiwanese majority away from a direct challenge to President Chiang and his party.
President Chiang nominated Lee to become his Vice President.