President Castro emphasized the severity of the hurricane during a two-hour address to the nation on September 23.
President Castro is taking a deep interest in the mysterious epidemic.
But backers of the legislation touted it as the tool that would drive President Castro from office after 36 years in power.
In a recent interview here, President Castro himself set forth the argument.
President Castro ruled out elections, saying they could not be held when there was no fuel and the country's economy was on a "war" footing.
President Castro has pushed through a series of cabinet changes, promoting many military figures into senior posts.
President Castro, 66, spoke after the country's first popular elections for parliament since the revolution.
President Castro's political undoing is far from certain.
Insults were also addressed to them by President Castro the previous day, according to press reports.
President Castro has also said that if the boy is returned, there will be no triumphant parades.