The motto was "Praise God".
Martin retired the group for a short period of time in the mid 60's, though the group came together in 1968 to record an album titled "Praise God".
She concludes it has an overall advantages, declaring "Praise God I'm a woman!"
He says "Praise God for the abundance of loaves and fishes during these belt-tightening times; just leave us the loaves and take away all them fishes!"
Sindhu said something in cant, softly, the way men of other paths would say "Praise God" or "Blessed be His Name."
You see, Miss Murchison, before Bill here saw the light --" "Praise God!
The Company's motto is Praise God For All.
Her recollection of their initial meeting was recounted in the liner notes for Yazoo Records's "Praise God I'm Satisfied" album.
We shall now sing one chorus of 'Praise God, from Whom all Blessings Flow', Lambert announced.
The climatic ending is "Praise God and Dance", which comes from Psalm 150.