They support the campaign to Make Poverty History.
The band were also filmed for Make Poverty History, clicking their fingers.
In April 2005 she visited Ghana to make a film for Make Poverty History.
Tools for Self Reliance was a member of the anti-poverty campaign Make Poverty History in 2005.
The single was also used to promote Make Poverty History.
The contribution of this House could be signing the written declaration in my name on the aims of Making Poverty History.
If anybody from this Chamber wants to accompany us on our march to Make Poverty History, I would be more than happy to arrange it.
I would ask you also to sign the written declaration in my name on 'Making Poverty History'.
This report links directly into the 'Making Poverty History' campaign as child exploitation is so often linked to poverty.
The minister continued to campaign for the cause right through to Make Poverty History.