Post did not find such a property and the solution to his problem applied priority methods instead; Harrington and Soare (1991) found eventually such a property.
But the Post found the humor to be shtick not literature, far too misogynist, and too stereotypical.
And, the Post found, the International Committee of the Red Cross had been warning us about it well before the U.N. produced its findings.
Martin Dunn, editor of The Daily News, said it was clear that The Post found it could not compete at 50 cents.
Circulation Quadruples Mr. Stern dropped the "Evening" from the title, and his new, liberal Post found an eager audience.
I don't really know the federal election laws very well, but if what the Post found is actually true, it will make Ray pretty uncomfortable.
It said: "The Post finds that the union offer is a hopeful sign and indeed a significant move.
The Post did not find "5,643 felons voted", or anything close to it.
If DBT and the Post found criminals, why haven't they been arrested?
This is just what the Post doesn't find.