There are also some legal forms of sport where humans fight animals, such as bullfighting which has a long history in Spanish and Portuguese tradition.
The Italian and Portuguese tradition is to soak the beans for a week or two in a pillowcase or fabric bag in a stream.
The Associação also supports the divulgation of important national events related to the Portuguese traditions, participating directly or indirectly.
Mickve Israel maintained its Portuguese traditions from its inception.
Carnaval has its roots in Portuguese traditions and has also absorbed some Brazilian characteristics.
Under the full common-property regime, which was inherited from the Portuguese legal tradition, widows do not inherit from husbands unless there are no living children or parents.
It employed local materials and techniques, like the blue and white ceramic tiles (azulejos) linked to the Portuguese tradition.
The clubs help new immigrants, but mainly offer programs that keep the Portuguese traditions alive.
"Urca", in old Portuguese tradition, designates a small and large cargo ship.