Following the invasion, Portuguese commercial interests were taken over by Indonesians.
He fought against the British, Dutch and Portuguese naval interests on the coasts of India during the 18th century.
Through the effort of Dominican missionary in the early 17th century, it was tied to Portuguese interests on Timor.
However, after 1500 the main area of Portuguese interest, both for gold and slaves, was further south in the Gold Coast.
The conflict had mixed results, but the outcome was largely favorable to Portuguese interests.
This was backed by a threat that failure to comply would cause Mawewe to undertake a scorched-earth policy against Portuguese interests in the region.
The Portuguese interests which dominate in banking, industry, and agriculture, exerted a powerful influence on policy.
The consequences could be extremely damaging unless Portuguese interests are properly considered in the negotiations still to take place, even after the political decision on accession.
(PT) The increasing attention paid to road safety represents added value for Portuguese interests.
There had always been an Arab influence in the region, particularly through trade, but this conflicted with Portuguese commercial interests and religion.