French, Italian and Portuguese companies played annually at the theater from its opening until 1910, when rubber prices started to collapse.
Salsa is a Portuguese company and brand of clothing.
Many Portuguese companies have grown and expanded internationally since after 1986.
Logoplaste is a Portuguese company, producing rigid plastic containers.
Vitesse was started in 1982 as a Portuguese company making diecast cars mostly in 1:43 scale.
A new version of the site, designed by a Portuguese company, was released on December 6, 2006.
Portuguese companies are the second largest private investor in Mozambique.
The market was launched in 2003 to provide a trading environment to the small and mid cap securities of Portuguese companies.
Portuguese companies, and in particular SMEs, will be the main beneficiaries.
Operations began in 2003 with one locomotive; 7 more locomotives have been purchased from a Portuguese company.