Sooner or later, we must face the bottom line and halt the population bomb.
Meanwhile, the same population bomb has spread to bears.
The population bomb exploded in the 1920's and the herd swelled to several thousand.
Not even famine and overcrowding can stop the population bomb, until it's too late for everyone and everything.
Therefore this money could be spent irrigating the deserts, and the "population bomb" would no longer be a problem.
JUST when you thought it was safe to procreate, the population bomb is back.
The Population Bomb began with this statement: The battle to feed all of humanity is over.
It is now 5.3 billion, 1.8 billion larger than when he published "The Population Bomb."
This, in any event seems the democratic approach, one that contrasts with China's coercive effort to defuse the population bomb in a single generation.
He has disavowed some of the what he said in The Population Bomb.