Discussing the widespread lack of water for agriculture in West Africa, the Pope warned that "available resources are declining."
It was at a bishops' conference in Puebla during his 1979 trip that the Pope warned against liberation theology.
"I'm really slipping," the Pope warned.
The Pope could have warned her about him.
But the Pope, while reminding the faithful of the resurrection of Christ and its meaning, also warned that for some, peace is nowhere at hand.
On the trip, the Pope again ruled out ordination for women and warned lay activists not to confuse their role with that of the clergy.
The Pope warned today that thousands of other refugees were similarly threatened.
Before he leaves, however, Pope warns Tig not to mention anything about the incident to anyone lest he wants his other daughter to suffer, as well.
The Polish-born Pope has often called for respect for workers' rights and warned about the potential dangers of unbridled capitalism.
Discussing the fall of Communism, the Pope warns that "it would be simplistic" to attribute that historic event to divine intervention.