The Pope allows her to reside in Cardinal Orsini's now empty palace while she performs her penance.
They sired so many illegitimate children that the Pope allowed them to marry to conceal their transgressions.
Should there be some change of tone in the way the doctrinal issues are presented and on which the present Pope has allowed so little change?
In 1963, the Pope lifted the ban on cremation, and in 1966 allowed Catholic priests to officiate at cremation ceremonies.
This was interpreted as a sign, and the Pope allowed him to carry that precious relic back to Aosta.
In 1245, Pope Innocent IV allowed Danylo to be crowned king.
However, in July 1096 Philip's excommunication was lifted and the Pope allowed him to become bishop.
Many have claimed that Vatican II went much further in encouraging "active participation" than previous Popes had allowed or recommended.
Thirdly, Wolsey wanted the Pope to allow the final decision to be made in England, which of course, as papal legate, he would supervise.
Given the warmth of such a recollection, one might wish the Pope had allowed himself more like it.