Making Peoples: a History of the New Zealanders: from Polynesian settlement to the end of the nineteenth century.
Traces of Polynesian settlement, possibly dating to the 13th century, have been found by archaeologists on Enderby Island.
Auckland Islands (the most southerly known evidence of Polynesian settlement)
Massive deforestation occurred after humans arrived, with around half the forest cover lost to fire after Polynesian settlement.
They note that the time frame matches up well with what is known about Polynesian settlements elsewhere in the southeastern Pacific.
This is the oldest and best researched site of early Polynesian settlement in New Zealand.
Evidence has been found of Polynesian settlement in the 13th and 14th centuries.
However, no Polynesian crops were introduced into the Americas, and there is no evidence of Polynesian settlement.
(Scientific results of 2008, from DNA analysis, illuminate this theory of Polynesian settlement.)
He published extensively on the Lapita project, which aimed to trace expansion of Polynesian settlement through the distinctive pottery style.