Each October, the club gets together with local Polynesian groups for the Aloha Festival in the Clear Lake area near Houston.
Tongans, a Polynesian group with a very small mixture of Melanesian, represent more than 98% of the inhabitants.
Due to relatively large numbers of competitive sects of Christian missionaries in the islands, many Polynesian groups have been converted to Christianity.
Later with his family he was to form a Polynesian group that would work in New Orleans, Dallas and Pensacola.
Other Polynesian group are known to practice this.
And Makalina, the director of Hawaiian Express, a Polynesian group, will dance the hula.
It has the world's second-largest Polynesian group, after the Maori.
Only the Māori of New Zealand outnumber Samoans among Polynesian groups.
The crew put on a talent show and a Polynesian group came on board when we were back in Tahiti.
The Samoan people are a Polynesian ethnic group of the Samoan Islands, sharing genetics, language, history and culture.