Here's a Politico story talking about Republican ideas to tax the poor more.
Lobbyists Gearing Up To Protect Slew Of Special Tax Favors That Will Cost Taxpayers $30 Billion - ThinkProgress quoting the Politico story, but with a better headline.
There's a Politico story out about Kurt Bardella, the spokesman for Congressman Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee and the subject of a recent profile I wrote for The New Yorker.
The Politico story, which was broken by Marin Cogan and Jake Sherman, reported that Issa was investigating whether Bardella forwarded and blind-copied private e-mails to Mark Leibovich, a New York Times reporter who is writing a book about Washington.
Update: Missy Cohlmia, a spokeswoman for Koch Companies Public Sector, got in touch with The New Yorker to dispute the sentence in our summary of the Politico story that described the Kochs as "vowing that Americans for Prosperity will spend $200 million in the 2012 Presidential campaign."
She is also on e-mail, with a message to the Daily Caller that suggests she is upset about that Politico story about how "top Republicans" are worried about her.
Rather than taking the Politico story seriously and trying to get out ahead of it, Cain first stonewalled, then (through his campaign staff) accused the media of political bias, and, today, tried to portray himself as a victim of false charges from unnamed women.
After watching Judy Woodruff interview Herman Cain on PBS's NewsHour, I am even more baffled by his handling of the Politico story.
Unlike the Politico story last night, the MJS's piece is well documented - and includes these quotes:
If the women's complaints were directly against Cain, which the Politico story alleges, "his account would be rather implausible to me," said Fredrickson, past president of the National Employment Lawyers Association, particularly if the complaints were resolved with a monetary settlement.