Given the undercapitalized state of Polish industry and the average worker's modest income, the plan could be in for some trouble.
They are already introducing some business to Polish industries, not necessarily connected to this plane business.
It documented the history of Polish industry, agriculture and crafts.
Steelworkers are among the highest paid employees in Polish industry.
In the Middle Ages, the region became the center of Polish industry - mining and steel mills.
Warsaw was one of key centers of Polish industry, with numerous factories of various kinds.
The valley of the Kamienna is closely associated with early years of Polish industry.
A total number of ca. 200 locomotives was produced, with the rest of them servicing Polish industry, chiefly mining.
In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Ostrowiec emerged as a main center of Polish industry.
For the second trading period we consider that the allowances given to Poland are again quite enough to cover the needs of Polish industry.