In Curitiba, the Polish immigration started in 1871.
Polish immigration to Italy might continue while the EU contract labor program between the two countries remains in place.
Polish immigration in Uruguay brought Poles to settle in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Polish immigration to New York City began at the end of the 20th century.
The history of the founding of this denomination is tied to Polish immigration to Scranton in the late 19th century.
Vincent Barzynski became a dominant influence during the period of Polish immigration.
From that time until 1990 The Federation represented the interests of the Polish immigration with respect to British authorities.
The 1920s saw substantial Polish immigration to the area around Archer and Lockwood.
Polish immigration to the United States experienced a small wave in the years following 1989.
German and Polish immigration brought the population to 110 by 1885.