In June 1943 Polish units from Przebraże scouted the area, telling all Poles to leave their houses and move to the fortified settlement.
The United States has the opportunity now to put its money where its mouth has been for so long and help Poles move toward a "free-market system."
Bismarck himself said that the Poles who find themselves without land should "move to Morocco".
More and more, black and Hispanic people are moving in as the Poles move out.
The Poles, too, have moved on.
On August 25, 1943, the German authorities ordered all Poles to leave the villages and settlements and move to larger towns.
Meanwhile, a Pole moves to Antomir and becomes a regular reader at the synagogue.
Many Poles moved to Lviv after the city was conquered by King Casimir in 1349.
Poles moved the agents out of Iraq and into the safety of Turkey.
At the same time as the flight and expulsion of the German population, Poles moved in.