It has a population of 581 (2001 census), Poles constitute 26.4% of the population.
It has 4,202 inhabitants (2001 census) and Poles constitute 12.9% of the population.
While the Poles constituted the majority of population in the area, they held only 4 out 21 official posts of higher level.
Poles constituted the majority of students until 1905, when their number reached 1,100.
Poles constituted about one-third of the inhabitants of East Prussia by the latter century.
Although Poles constituted a majority, Jews formed more than a one-fourth of population.
Nationalist unrest among the minorities in general, and the Poles in particular, constituted an important ingredient in the upheaval of 1905.
According to the 1916 German census, Poles constituted 50% of city's population.
On the much larger scale of the entire European Union - Poles constitute only 8% of the population - I think this is questionable.
In effect literate Poles constituted less than 44 per cent of the population.