Playtime Productions has 10 weekend events planned for children at three locations around the county.
Playtime Productions offers two children's programs for the holidays.
This version by Playtime Productions features music, drama, masks and mime; for more information the number to call is 674-0906.
The shows offered by Playtime Productions are for children 4 and older.
"Beauty and the Beast," meanwhile, adds dancing in a pre-Halloween special by Playtime Productions.
Sponsored by Playtime Productions.
Today at 1:30 P.M. $10; a series of three shows presented by Playtime Productions, $22.
The first "Nutcracker" of the season arrives next Saturday at 1:30 P.M. in a version by Playtime Productions designed for children.
Presented by Playtime Productions.
For reservations, call 698-0098 (the Emelin Theater) and 674-0906 (Playtime Productions).