Taken in a Platonic sense, as opposed to Kantian, this condition of possibility is something more akin to the original "good" that always qualifies the ethos.
The "Hammerklavier" is by itself, a work of sheer madness yet insane in the divinely Platonic sense.
And I mean that in an almost Platonic sense.
They are ideals in the Platonic sense of a circle being an ideal whereas a drawn circle is flawed and real.
His use of 'composite' in 2.021 can be taken to mean a combination of form and matter, in the Platonic sense.
In a classic Platonic sense, this constitutes the work (in more fashionable parlance, "the text").
The truth is that he is a democrat only in the most Platonic sense.
The wise old king of Peru (a philosopher-king in the deepest Platonic sense of the word) sorely needs your help.
Words for transcendent ideas in the Platonic sense are often capitalized, especially when used in a religious context.
Human mind can also create, and has access to spiritual or super-sensible 'Ideas' in the Platonic sense.