First published in 'Planet Stories', Summer 1946.
Just write it up as fiction and I could hawk it to Planet Stories or one of those rags.
It was his first published story, originally appearing in Planet Stories in July, 1952.
This was Planet Stories, which during the 1940s was to make its mark as a home for the "space opera," the blood-and-thunder tale of interplanetary war.
Planet Stories was an American pulp science fiction magazine, published by Fiction House between 1939 and 1955.
Soon thereafter Planet Stories switched from a quarterly to bimonthly schedule.
Planet Stories was a pulp-sized magazine for all of its 71 issues.
He contributed one painted cover to a 1944 issue of Planet Stories as well.
It was originally published in Planet Stories in 1949 .
Although not very revealing of anything about the plot, it is slightly more accurate than some of Planet Stories' other blurbs.