And buy a Lonely Planet guidebook with the money you've saved.
Do you have an update or correction to a Lonely Planet guidebook?
This trip will cover a minimum of 4 Lonely Planet guidebooks, and combined they weigh a good deal.
A mention in a Lonely Planet guidebook can draw large numbers of travellers, which invariably brings change to places mentioned.
My Lonely Planet guidebook said it was the deepest lake in Central Asia and the world's 14th-largest source of fresh water.
Read below for a list of etiquette tips, taken from various Lonely Planet guidebooks, to help you eat and drink in different parts of the world.
Lonely Planet guidebooks contain no advertising.
Today, Lonely Planet guidebooks are the most popular series in China for international destinations, with close to 50 titles available in Chinese.
Lonely Planet guidebooks are built for the road, with laminated covers and spine-stitched bindings that won't fall apart with heavy use or inclement conditions.
There weren't many books about Antarctica in the Cleveland bookstores, but I managed to pick up a Lonely Planet guidebook that had some good information.