Pioneer Hi-Bred is aiming for better crops, and MedImmune a stronger version of its main drug.
Pioneer Hi-Bred has a dominant share of the corn seed market.
Pioneer Hi-Bred's bumpy ride through the 1980's illustrates that the pursuit of wonder products does not necessarily yield wonder profits.
DuPont is on the sidelines after having shelled out $1.7 billion last year for 20 percent of Pioneer Hi-Bred.
Pioneer Hi-Bred therefore discontinued further development.
The company later became Pioneer Hi-Bred, a major agriculture corporation.
Many companies, like Pioneer Hi-Bred, say their longstanding practices toward disabled employees leave them with little more to do.
Pioneer Hi-Bred and John Deere Financial are based in Johnston.
The Pioneer Hi-Bred 250 and History 300 were moved to precede the 5-hour Energy 200.
Pioneer Hi-Bred, the seed company, is one of its biggest employers, and many other farm suppliers have their headquarters in the city.