The least we can do is try to organize Ping-Pong games when they show the evening news.
He had been too restless, as if there were a Ping-Pong game going on inside his head.
As it is, the action is divided among too many characters; it's like watching a Ping-Pong game played at a seven-sided table.
"But blame is not a Ping-Pong game," she said.
In the fall, we perfected my Ping-Pong game.
"So they will have a battle on both sides that makes the intifada look like a Ping-Pong game."
As state of the art, simulating a Ping-Pong game wasn't especially a revolutionary, or even a new, concept.
"It was like a Ping-Pong game all day."
"The ultimate goal is to stay one guess ahead of the audience - it's an intellectual Ping-Pong game between the actors and the audience."
In some, those people resumed the Ping-Pong games they had played each day or resumed chess matches.