Similar rescues followed the Korean War, in 1953, the Bay of Pigs debacle, in 1961, and the Vietnam War, in 1975.
After the Bay of Pigs debacle, Kennedy foreign policy placed Fidel Castro center stage.
Yet he omits any mention of a not-so-cool President who, in April 1961, approved the Bay of Pigs debacle.
As he packs up his papers, Mr. Tenet is facing the sort of treatment Dulles was accorded after the Bay of Pigs debacle.
"Clearly, they were not designed for the kind of situation which exists in the world today," he said just after the Bay of Pigs debacle of 1961.
That period included the Berlin crisis, the Bay of Pigs debacle and the Federal deployment of the Alabama National Guard to integrate the state university.
To the Editor: Almost 43 years ago to the day, a man, young and new in his job, stood up and took responsibility for the Bay of Pigs debacle.
President Kennedy came to wish that press leaks had saved him from the Bay of Pigs debacle.
One major attraction, however, is the excellent Museo Playa Girón, which serves as an emotional memorial to the three-day Bay of Pigs debacle.
After the Bay of Pigs debacle, they were released, and Guitierrez Menoyo settled in Miami.