The Philippine police clashed today with hundreds of demonstrators who were demanding that the American troops be withdrawn.
The defense tried to persuade the jury that the Philippine police tampered with the files before giving the computer to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The extent of Sirven's contacts was revealed in an address book seized when Philippine police arrested him.
But the payment, which was funneled to Abu Sayyaf through the Philippine police, did not result in a release.
The imminence of the papal visit explains why the Philippine police were so concerned about finding bomb ingredients in the apartment.
Also, some evidence in the custody of the Philippine police bears unexplained fingerprints or, in the case of the laptop computer, unexplained entries.
The squatters are gone now, forcibly removed by Philippine police last year as a cosmetic move in advance of a Pacific Rim summit.
Mr. Yousef suggested in his opening statement that the Philippine police fabricated evidence against him to please the United States.
After she foiled the plot, the Philippine police assigned her two bodyguards for five years.