Another support facility was on Taiwan, where B-26 bombers were prepared to ferry them to the Philippine bases that would support the Indonesian rebels.
This used to be an American military naval base and has since been converted into a special Philippine military base.
That, too, is unlikely, since we have lost our Philippine bases, promised a lower profile in Japan and may soon lose our justification to remain in Korea.
A Philippine military base, Camp Antonio Luna in Limay, Bataan, was named after the general.
She then turned to duties connected with the occupation of former enemy territory, embarking troops at the Philippine base on Leyte 5 September and at Panay island 10 September.
This Philippine military base, most of which has been converted to a modern commercial and residential development area, lies in an ambiguous area.
Instead, they changed operational control to III MAF, while Tripoli and the rest of TG 76.5 spent two weeks at the Philippine naval base for upkeep.
The American Special Operations forces on the island are supported by 500 American troops stationed at Philippine military bases in Zamboanga.
We're over five hundred kilometers from a Philippine base.
After arriving at the Philippine base on 8 November, the destroyer escort commenced restricted availability which lasted until the 16th when the ship sailed for Kaohsiung, Taiwan.