Initially representing only Philadelphia artists, the collection has been extended to include early masters as well as renowned modern printmakers and photographers.
The feud began when Jadakiss stated in a radio interview that many Philadelphia artists at the time were biting his style.
Isaiah Zagar (born 1939) is a Philadelphia mosaic artist.
Original work by other Philadelphia artists is on display at the Rittenhouse.
The Mint is the first studio album from Philadelphia hip-hop artist Nickelz.
"I'll use it sometime, somehow," said the Philadelphia artist, who was born in Havana 44 years ago.
Patterson hired Robert Ball Hughes, a Philadelphia artist, to modify the design.
Philadelphia artists have had a prominent national role in popular music.
An early owner, he said, was Cecilia Beaux, a Philadelphia artist, who was 71 years old at her death in 1834.
Breaking even sounds good to Al Sacui, a Philadelphia artist who fell victim to his site's popularity.