A formal phase Ⅱ study is being planned for 2009.
"The thing is, by the time something has been shown to be promising, it's no longer a Phase 1 study."
Is it a report on the first few patients to receive a treatment in a Phase 1 study, publicized at a meeting?
The initial test, called a Phase One study, will take about six months to complete.
The first, a Phase 1 study, involves a small number of patients (maybe a dozen or two) who cannot be helped by other known treatments.
Some of these results have also been confirmed in phase II studies.
This was reported in phase studies in 1964 but its structure has not been confirmed.
The second phase II study was initiated 4 years after the start of the first one, and it involved 51 additional patients.
After 6 months, his lab had raised over $800,000, enough to fund a small Clinical Phase 2 study.
The report shortlisted corridor and station locations for further analysis in a Phase 2 study.