The teams also helped save oil fields and a dam from sabotage and helped rescue Pfc. Jessica Lynch.
Pfc. Jessica Lynch exchanged gunfire with her captors as she was taken prisoner in Iraq.
About Pfc. Jessica Lynch, he writes: "The rescue was a model of how a small-scale military operation should be conducted.
Remember that Pfc. Jessica Lynch, the Iraq invasion's most celebrated prisoner of war, was a supply clerk with a maintenance company.
After Pfc. Jessica Lynch was rescued, the families of the others in her ambushed convoy could not help tightening their clutch on hope.
The rescue of Pfc. Jessica Lynch and the way the Defense Department misinformed the press about her situation receives no mention.
Even Pfc. Jessica Lynch has, to her credit, balked at playing her scripted role.
Pfc. Jessica Lynch was willing to fight to the death rather than be captured, shooting several Iraqis even after being shot herself.
So was Attucks a hero, or a less fortunate colonial version of Pfc. Jessica Lynch?
Among his patients was Pfc. Jessica Lynch.