At one point, Menzies claimed that more than 100 Peruvian villages in an area called Ancash have names linguistically linked to medieval China.
Kansas (Hopper) is a stunt coordinator in charge of horses on a western being shot in a small Peruvian village.
In the hardscrabble Peruvian Indian villages this is not designer food but everyday sustenance.
With the recent boom in popularity, the price of the grain has tripled since 2006, making the once staple food of Peruvian and Bolivian villages suddenly very expensive.
An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village.
In Para, at Belem, eight hundred leagues from this little Peruvian village, if nothing happened to modify the route.
From a hyperanxious urban environment, he finds himself in a poor Peruvian village where he feels completely alien but liberated.
Santa Elena is a Peruvian village located in Virú District, in La Libertad Region.
Písac is a Peruvian village in the Sacred Valley on the Urubamba River.
From this Peruvian village she descended the Amazon, as we are doing at this moment, and at length she rejoined her husband after a separation of nineteen years.