During the following two years he traveled across the Peruvian territory, collecting interesting information he would later use to develop his works.
The outcome of the war gave Chile this portion of the Peruvian territory.
The latter was a blow to Ecuador's historic position, and left Tiwintza in Peruvian territory.
This led to a controversy that eventually ended with the airline banned from operating into the Peruvian territory.
In addition, infants or minor children found abandoned on Peruvian territory are assumed to be Peruvian citizens.
Peruvian territory was inhabited 14,000 years ago by hunters and gatherers.
Amerindians inhabited Peruvian territory for several millennia before Spanish Conquest in the 16th century.
Ecological criteria: 782,880.55 km2 (60.91% of Peruvian territory and approximately 11.05% of the entire Amazon jungle).
In 1824 he assumed command of the last Spanish stronghold on Peruvian territory, Callao port city.
Discovery of the Mochica writing after its spread all over the Peruvian territory.