Conditions in Peruvian prisons are unpleasant.
While conditions inside Peruvian prisons are generally unsatisfactory, they are often unbearable for inmates who have been accused or convicted of terrorism.
Some 4,700 people held in Peruvian prisons are charged with terrorism, state prosecutor Daniel Espichan said Friday.
There are still many people in Peruvian prisons accused of terrorism and human rights abuses who have no opportunity for parole.
But the two leaders flatly rejected demands from the rebels to release hundreds of their comrades held in Peruvian prisons.
On 11 February, Fujimori declared that "Peruvian prisons are built in accordance with international standards for terrorists."
However, during one of those trips, he got caught in Peru and lands himself in a Peruvian prison called the House of the Devil.
Ms. Berenson, an ex-New Yorker, has served more than five years in Peruvian prisons.
The rebels initially demanded the release of more than 400 of their comrades from Peruvian prisons.
Between the 1940s and 1960s Villanueva would spend his time in between Peruvian prisons and deportations to Chile and Argentina.